Revolutionizing the business side of healthcare!
All Data At Your Fingertips To Make critical Healthcare Decisions
Create a patient file for any individual who receives your healthcare services. Save important information for every patient. With an integrated system, all data will be accessible to everyone in one place.
- Create or Get Registered
- Patient Information
- Alert patients via Email or SMS
- Invoicing
- Different Mode of Payment
- Preset list of Diagnosis and Complaints for faster selection

- Personal Information
- Patient Relation
- Allergies
- Medical & Surgical History
- Personal & Social History
- Risk Factors
Vital Signs
- Body Temperature
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Respiratory Rate
- Height
- Weight
Patient Encounter
- Assessment
- Drug Prescription
- Laboratory Investigation
- Procedures
- Admit
- Discharge
- Complete Medical Records/History
- Chart of Blood Pressure
- Details of Patient Encounters
- Comprehensive Patient Portal
With complete visibility of every practitioner’s schedule, there’s no chance of double-booking appointment slots. You can even automate notification emails to be sent as soon as a patient books a consultation.
Appointment Type
- Consultation Type etc.
- Duration
Appointment Slots
- Availability Schedule
- Medical Department
- Healthcare Practitioner
- Date
Book appointments for Clinical Procedures and maintain complete control over items being consumed during the procedure

Manage all practitioners in one place with the option to link with employees so that they can access all HR functions (leaves, attendance, payroll etc.)
Multiple Schedules can be set for each practitioner. Physician Schedule will help you configure the availability of healthcare practitioners. Set each person’s days and timings, then the system will block patient appointments within each practitioner’s schedule
- Outpatient Consulting Charges
- Inpatient Visit Charges etc.
Service Unit
Room etc. where practitioners will be available. It you map your Facility Infrastructure and manage Appointment Scheduling, Billing, etc by creating Healthcare Service Units
Clinical Procedure
You can use XpertERP to map any clinical procedure — for example, wound cleaning, ultrasonography, endoscopy, or cataract surgery. The system lets you preconfigure Clinical Procedure Templates so you don’t have to set default properties like consumables every time you order a procedure. Billing can also be automated based on the stock used in each procedure and the consulting doctor’s charges
Referring Physicians
List of Doctors who refer patients to your facility
Real-Time Dashboard to monitor overall progress of your healthcare facility. KPIs like Number of Patients, Avg. treatment cost, Number of staff, Number of admitted patients,Average patient waiting time etc. can be set in the Dashboard
Healthcare Service Unit
Group and organize all the service units in a hierarchical tree. Each such unit can be scheduled and available for Appointment booking or Inpatient occupancy. Manage multiple service unit types e.g. Consultations rooms, Wards, ER Rooms, Operating Rooms etc. Configure various types of service units in the facility with respective rates.
Inpatient ADT Management
Managing ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer) in a busy Hospital is quite a tricky function and XpertERP Healthcare eases this to a great extent.
A Practitioner can order a patient for admission from the Patient Encounter screen using the Order Admission. As part of the Admission Order, the practitioner can provide necessary details as to which type of ward bed the Patient needs to be admitted to, and any other admission instructions for the staff. On ordering a patient for admission, XpertERP Healthcare creates an Inpatient Record for the Patient with all instructions provided by the Practitioner. Any prescribed medications and investigations or procedure orders as part of the ordered Encounter will be carried to the IP record. Inpatient admission officer can see the Inpatient Record with status Admission Scheduled and allot the Patient the Ward as per the availability. The Admit button in the Inpatient Record will allow the admission officer to select a ward bed for the Patient and process the admission. Once a Service Unit is assigned for the patient, the Inpatient Record status will be updated to Admitted.
Similar to the Schedule Admission, Patient Encounters for admitted Patients will have the option to Order Discharge triggering the status of the impatient Record to Discharge Scheduled.. The Discharge Order allows Practitioner to select the contents of the Discharge Notes (or the Discharge Summary) which gets updated in the patient’s Inpatient Record document.
The practitioner can select the investigations, medications and procedures which were included in the Patient’s treatment at the facility which are to be printed in the discharge notes and optionally add his comments to print.
The admission officer can print the Discharge Notes from the Inpatient Record and use the Discharge button to record patient’s leave and marking the status to Discharged
The Inpatient Record holds all data related to the Patient’s stay at the facility including all the wards beds (Service Unit) utilized. Transfer a patient from one Service Unit to another using the Transfer button. This will allow the selection of the Service Unit to which the Patient is being transferred.
Managing ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer) in a busy Hospital is quite a tricky function and XpertERP Healthcare eases this to a great extent.
Lab Test Templates
Whenever you create a new Lab Test, the Lab Test document is loaded based on the template configured for that particular test. This means you will have to have separate templates configured for each Lab Test. Add & configure information like items, charges, result format, etc.
Lab Test & Sample Collection
XpertERP Healthcare allows flawless management of a clinical laboratory by allowing you to enter Lab Tests and print or email test results, manage samples collected, create Invoice, etc. XpertERP Healthcare comes pre-packed with some frequently ordered tests for your ease. Xpert ERP Healthcare also allows the creation of Lab Tests automatically when any lab tests are billed (via Sales Invoice).

As the result gets ready, you can enter the details of the results in the Lab Test document. All presets, Normal Values etc. as configured in the Lab Test Template are made available Lab Test for easy data capture.
You can create various masters for Samples that are to be collected for a Lab Test. It’s critical for a Laboratory to manage collected samples and you may want to ID the sample, print stickers, etc. The sample collection document can be automatically created when lab test is created to save time so that printing is ready with all the information loaded. By default, a sample sticker print template is made available, but you can always customize it as per your wishes.
Result Format & UoM
Multiple lab test formats can be set up in accordance with the lab tests offered by your facility. The following lab test formats are available in the system and more can be created as per need.
- Single
- Compound
- Descriptive
- Grouped
In many Laboratories, approval of Lab Tests is a must before printing and submitting the document. XpertERP Healthcare ensures that emailing or printing of Lab Tests can only be done after Approval of the Lab Test by the Lab Test Approver.